The Club often finds it is advisable to establish certain standing rules as a guide for the administration of the club. Standing rules differ from bylaws in that standing rules can be adopted or changed by the Executive Board.
In the event of the death of a Scottsdale Garden Club member or the death of a spouse or immediate family member (son or daughter), a contribution of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) shall be made from the club to the Arizona Federation of Garden Club's Scholarship Fund.
State Life Memberships: A State Life Membership certificate and pin shall be awarded to members who have been active for two years.
Recognition: During installation of officers the retiring President shall receive a Past Presidents Pin from her 1st Vice President. The newly installed President shall receive the Presidents Pin from the outgoing President.
Member Mentor Program:
The purpose of the Mentor Program is to make the new member feel welcome, to provide a ready resource for a new member’s questions and to help the new member become active and involved in our garden club. When a new member is welcomed into our garden club, an existing member will be selected as a mentor. The mentor will be available to the new member by phone, e-mail, etc. The Mentor will greet the new member at meetings and introduce the new member to other members. The Mentor will encourage the new member to take part in various club activities and answer any questions the new member may have.
Executive Mentor Program:
The purpose of the Executive Mentor Program is to advise newly elected officers of the garden club in the duties required of the particular office. Mentors, experienced in the office, shall make themselves available by meeting, email, or phone to answer questions new officers may have.
Total dues collected by the club include dues for National Garden Clubs, Inc. and AFGC.
Valley Garden Center Membership - $20.00
Active Member dues are $30.00
Inactive Member dues are $35.00
New Member dues $30.00
After January $20.00
New member dues are $30.00 if the member joins from October to December; $20.00 if the member joins after January 1; Members joining after March 1 shall be given the courtesy of membership for the remainder of the fiscal year.
Luncheon Reservation/ Cancellation Policy:
Your check is your reservation and must reach the Treasurer no later than the Tuesday prior to the luncheon. Members are responsible for all cancellations, which must be made to the Treasurer, no later than Tuesday before the luncheon date. There will be no refunds after this date as the club will be billed for this set number of reservations. There will be no lunch served to any member who has not made a reservation in advance of the meeting.
Convention Expenses:
The treasury shall contribute toward the expenses up to $200.00 each for the President and 1st Vice President (or incoming President) to attend the AFGC biennial convention. If the President or 1st Vice President is unable to attend, the President will appoint a representative from the Executive Board to attend.