FREE & OPEN TO PUBLIC: Flower Show -March 1-2, Scottsdale Mustang Library
FREE & OPEN TO PUBLIC: Flower Show -March 1-2, Scottsdale Mustang Library
SGC supports the Arizona Federation of Garden Club's scholarship program by obtaining 100% State Life Memberships for all its active members who have been in the club for two or more years.
SGC continues to educate its members through brief presentations at each meeting on gardening/horticulture topics or floral design ideas. This allows new members to learn and current members to pass along their valuable experience.
The Plant-A-Tree jar is passed around at all meetings to collect members' loose change. Donations are contributed to the National Forest Service to be used to reforest burn areas in National Forests in Arizona.
Working with local elementary schools, SGC encourages students to participate in the National Garden Club's Woodsy Owl/Smokey Bear Poster Contest. This encourages children to observe, explore and care about the environment around them while exercising their creativity.
SGC members distribute club brochures at community events such as Earth Day to increase membership and expand awareness of the benefits of gardening knowledge and of conservation and protection of natural resources.
Members donate unused medication for the New Birth Mexican Mission. This group is a charitable organization that accepts prescription and over-the-counter medications, as well as all types of medical supplies and equipment. The items are taken to various missions in Mexico.
Working with students at Cochise Elementary School, members assist in planting and maintaining gardens at the school campus. Students learn soil preparation, composting, propagation, nourishment and harvesting.
SGC members show their support by compiling hygiene items in 1 qt zip bags. Club members deliver the bags to the VA Community Resource and Referral Center in Phoenix. From there they are distributed to homeless men and women vets who are living on the streets in our local area.
SGC members donate glasses, hearing aids and cell phones which are contributed to the Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation. The Lions evaluate and repair the items and dispense them to needy children and adults.
Each Arbor Day, SGC donates a tree to be planted in a public area of Scottsdale to be enjoyed by future generations. Our most recent donation was planted at the new Bell Road Sports Complex .